International DX Amateur Radio Club

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the International DX Amateur Radio Club?
The International DX Amateur Radio Club, or IDXARC, was formed by a group of hams with a common interest in DXing. The club's purpose is to encourage and promote DX communication activity on the HF amateur bands. All club officers serve on a voluntary basis.

A certificate of membership is sent to new members when membership is granted. Each new member is assigned a unique “IDX” number, which is retained for life, regardless of a change of call sign. An IDX number is never re-issued. When a member becomes a SK (Silent Key), his or her IDX number remains listed in the membership records and Membership Roster.

What are the benefits of belonging to IDXARC?
IDXARC is a ham radio club consisting of a group of hams that share a common interest in long distance communication on the HF amateur bands. Various awards are offered to members to promote interest in DX communication and on-air activity.

What does it cost to belong to IDXARC?
Nothing. There is no cost to join IDXARC and there are no membership fees.

How do I join and where do I get my IDX number?
Any licensed amateur radio operator authorized to operate on the HF amateur bands can join IDXARC by sending their completed Membership Application to: IDXARC, PO Box 701, Chappaqua, NY 10514-0701 USA or via e-mail to

What do I do with my IDX number once I receive it?
You can exchange it with other members and keep a record of their number. In the future, we plan to offer awards for collecting IDX numbers. Further details regarding new award programs will be posted on this website as they become available. You can also just give your IDX number to others when asked for it and not participate in any of the award programs. It is strictly up to you.

How are IDX numbers assigned?
IDX numbers are issued consecutively in the order that Membership Applications are received.